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Between 31 May and 3 June 2016, a delegation on behalf of the International Congress of Inter-confessional Religious (CIR), consisting of seven monks and nuns from several countries from Western and Central Europe (England, Germany, the Czech Republic, Switzerland and Italy) came to visit the Archdiocese of Timisoara with the blessing of the Archbishop John, the Metropolitan of Banat. The delegation was accompanied throughout the visit, by monks and nuns from the Archdiocese of Timișoara.
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The 1st of June was for more than 120 children from the secondary schools at Banloc, Ciacova and Livezile, an opportunity of great joy occasioned by the conduct of the third edition of the educational project, Jesus smiles to children, at our monastery. The event's motto was all grown-ups were once children (Antoine de Saint Exupery).
After a moment of prayer in the church of the monastery, the children received spiritual advice on behalf of the abbot father, they said prayers to St. Joseph's the New Tomb and proceeded towards the Social Centre where specific activities were carried out by coordinator professors.
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The plea for remembrance. Celebration through music and word of Queen Elizabeth.
This event, dedicated to the memory of Princess Elisabeth of Romania, the old Queen of the Hellenes, and sister of King Carol the Second (b. 12 Oct. 1894 - d. 15 Nov. 1956), was organized by the Monastery of Partoș in collaboration with Banloc City Hall. The location of this beautiful and artistic manifestations was the yard of Banloc Castle, where she spent her life from 1936 until the 4th of January 1948, when, in the troubled political context of that period, all the members of the Royal family were required to leave the country and assume the path of exile.
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On Saturday, May 21, 2016, after committing the Divine Liturgy dedicated to Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen, at the Social Center of the monastery, in the auditorium, it was varnished the photo exhibition Between Ohrid and Partoș. The monasteries of Saint Joseph, in the presence of many believers.
It's actually a recomposition through texts and a few dozens of images carefully chosen of the itinerary to St. Joseph monastic life starting with the monastery of Virgin Mary from Ohrid, where he enters as a monastic brother at 15 years, continuing with the athonite monasteries Pantocrator, Marea Lavra, Xiropotamu, Cutlumuș, Vatoped, where he serves God more than 60 years and ending with Partoș, his final earthly stopover, where moves to Heaven on August the 15th 1656.
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Monday, the 16th of May 2016, brought about, in the context of The Days of Sacred Art from Partoș, the meeting with the famous master of panflute Nicolae Voiculeț. The artist brought on the stage of the Cultural Community Centre from Partoș, through the program he has presented in front of numerous onlookers, the beauty of the traditional Romanian song „doina” and of Romanian traditional song sprung from the fullness of the human soul united through faith with God and with peers. The event caused by the recital of the master Voiculeț and his admirable orchestra was, as the artist himself confessed, a plea for beauty, for authentic, for tradition, for what we are and for our identity.
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Saturday, 14 May, at 7 o’clock PM, at the Hall Christiana took place the try-out of the theatric representation At the beginning was the Word, which, through the texts of The Holy Bible and the universal lyric poetry sent to the fundamentals of our faith. The concept and the unique interpretation belonged to Ana Maria Cojocaru and Cătălin Ursu, actors of the National Theater from Timișoara. They offered to the public a splendid testimony of faith, an emotional reference through words and symbolic gesture to the fundamental truth of the Resurrection, of the encounter with God.
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The Days of Sacred Art from Partoș started on their first edition, with a program dedicated to the smaller, on Saturday, May 14, 2016. A group of 35 children from Secondary School from Banloc accompanied by their teachers took part in the project Closer to You, developed at the Hall Christiana from the Social Center of the monastery, respectively in its premises. Some of them painted, under the guidance of Mr. Teofil Grecu, icons on wood and on paper; others accompanied by Brother Mircea Laza have learned to beat the semantron, while others participated in various dynamic and funny games.
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This year, the Holydays of Easter were marked at our monastery by special religious ceremonies and by a great number of Christians who have attended them. Following Jesus through His Passion, getting buried together with Him, the believers who attended the liturgical ceremonies of this period have risen themselves with the Lord to a new life, making out of the Resurrection the true fundamental stone of their own existence.
Referring to the feast of the Resurrection, also this year, the Holy Light was brought from the airport of Timisoara. It was placed on the altar of St. Joseph, from where, at the right time, it was given to the crowd of Christians. The encirclement of the churches and the traditional procession was followed by the Resurrection Matins which was held to the outdoor altar. Then the Easter Mass followed in the big church of the monastery where the pastoral word of the Archbishop John, Metropolitan of Banat, was read.