The current Cultural Center was set-up into a building located right in front of the monastery, which belonged to Queen Elizabeth, who lived at that time at the Manor of Banloc.
The building was given to the Orthodox Church of Partoș on 27 of June 1944, according to the public notary law number 108/1944, whose genuine and legalized copy, made in 13.03.1945, is in the archive of our Holy monastery.
This act was signed on the above mentioned date by Dr. Michael Spăriosu - public notary in Deta, having as partcipants her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, as donor, represented by Mr. Ing. Alexandru Scanavi and the Romanian Orthodox Church from the village of Partoș, as donated part, represented by the priest Trifu Cucova, as the Chairman of The Parish Council in Partoș village. The document states that the witnesses were Ruja Romulus, accounting administrator at the Royal Court, resided in Banloc, and Țântariu Sever, notary of the commune, resided in Partoș village. In their presence there was settled a number of seven points, which conclude that her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, having the property right, donated her existing building under number 51 to the Orthodox Church from Partoș village, mentioning that "this building will continue to be used for future cultural purposes". The building is assessed, in mutual agreement by both parties at the value of 300 000 lei. It is also mentioned in the document that the priest Tallis Cucova receives the aforementioned property "with deep gratitude" as a donation. In conclusion it is specified that this "donation contract" becomes valid only after it has been approved by the Ministry of National Defense,which only happened on March 1945, as seen on the inscription on the back, reinforced with the signatures and the seals of the competent authorities: "the ownership rights of the property are tabulated according to the protocol nr. 1266 of Partoș village and according to decision with nr. 54/1945 cf-Deta, on 23 March 1945.
Therefore, starting with this date the property in question became the property of the Romanian Orthodox Church of Partoș, according to the land book nr. 1266, of Partoș village, top. nr. 101-102, Timis county.
Unfortunately, the building donated by Queen Elizabeth, did not remain in the property of the Orthodox Church from Partoș for long, since it was abusively taken over by the communist state, pursuant the Decree Nr . 176/1948. Therefore, being owned by the state, the property had many uses over time: several groups of children from the school of Partoș performed their activities here, it was also inhabited by a few tenant families and more recently it belonged to the Town Hall of Banloc.
An area of 40% of the donated property is currently used as the chapel of the Roman Catholic Parish of Deta- Partoș subsidiary, and the rest of the space was unused for a long time, being made up of several rooms and corridors. The outside part of the building was restored in the spring of 2008 by the Town Hall of Banloc.
Knowing the first usage of the building from the documents and carefully watching its history over the past years that have succeeded after the abusive dispossession, taking into account the freely expressed wish of the members of the Parish Council, in December of 2010, the Abbot of the monastery took the initiative to bring back the building in the possession of the right owner. For this purpose there was drawn up an appropriate file which had been submitted to the Special Commission (near the Romanian Government) for restitution of the real estates that belonged to religious denominations from Romania, which in the context of work meetings and as a result of careful research, acknowledged that the building in question was owned by the Romanian Orthodox Church of Partoș at the time of dispossession and that it was improperly taken according to the Decree No. 176/1948; therefore, decides the restitution of the building composed out of "the construction and its related land located in Partoș, nr 70" to the Romanian Orthodox Parish. It is further recalled in the mentioned document that this decision "represents the proof of the property over the building until the fulfilment of the formalities of tabulation", fact that was later accomplished. b. "MARCU MUȚIU" LIBRARY OF PARTOȘ MONASTERY
Inside this building, on the half of the available space there was arranged the Monastic Library.
The books were collected due the contribution of the visitors and pilgrims in the context of the current project: "a book for Partoș". There are three rooms housing the books - from books of theology, history, Romanian and universal literature, to literary criticism, science, etc. For the time being, the library counts more than 6000 volumes and it has rooms available for reading. The library was given the name of the founder of the big church, celebrating his personality.
The other available side of the building hosts the monastery’s collection and has the name of the one who was the disciple and biographer of St. Joseph, the chronicler and deacon Damaschin Udrea. The collection consists of old worship books, a few 19th century icons - some of which have been restored in last years - worship objects, documents and old church publications, as well as a beautiful wooden cross, donated by Queen Elizabeth. Here, along with other rooms of the library, are also regularly hosted photo exhibitions or works made by children, during some specific activities undertaken at the monastery.
In the commun lobby of the library and of the museum, there is to be found a beautiful portrait of Queen Elizabeth, painted by Mrs. Anca Demenescu from Timișoara, in the year 2010, portrait surrounded by other images from the queen’s life, but also surrounded by the activities carried out during the time spent at our monastery.
There is a small patio and a garden behind "Queen Elizabeth House", both addin up to 2800 m².
The blessing and the opening of the Centre took place in the year 2012, in the presence of the representatives from the Metropolitan Church and of many local officials, on the feast of St. Archangels Michael and Gavriil (8 November), when a marble plaque was placed on the building's façade in the memory of Queen Elizabeth and of her donation gesture of the property to the Orthodox Church in Partoș.
During the year 2016, it is intended that a bronze bust of Queen Elizabeth to be made, that will be placed in front of the Cultural Centre.